Friday, May 30, 2008

Finding Literary Ability In Your Writing

by Cecile Cinco

The most common avenue of the decade to express yourself in writing is through blogs. There are well written blogs as well as poorly written ones, in terms of literary quality.

Before blogs, the only people who can expose their literary ability are those who can publish their own books. Novels are very much in demand either to feed the reader's fantasies (romance) or intellect (espionage) or enliven their imagination (action, horror, sci-fi).

(DIY, reference, non-fiction books are not necessarily literary written. They are there to instruct based on the author's knowledge of something. They are factual, regardless if it was written by someone who could not even spell write.) :D

Literary ability is seen in story tellers and poets. Story telling/writing is different from poetry writing but they both fall into the art of literary world although a story writer cannot always write a poem, nor the poet can always write a novel. Some people are gifted, though, they can do both.

How can you find literary ability in one's writing?

Take a look at the small g. If it forms a number 8 instead of the usual g taught in school, that's gifted with literary ability.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Specimen 1: Karla

by Cecile Cinco

Finally, in came our first specimen. I gave it a border so the margin is visible. You can click on the image to get the actual size.

It is the first time I "met" the person as I did not know her previous to receiving her specimen.

I'd like to analyze this now but I have pressing deadline. It's Friday afternoon and I have to prepare for the Sabbath. I'll just post this up and continue Saturday evening when I get back from Church.

Meanwhile, here are some points about Karla:

- friendly type (not much, just enough)
- has literary ability
- can keep secrets
- too many pie-in-the-sky goals
- generous
- image and self the same
- irritable
- inquisitive (learns by asking questions)
- does not hold grudges
- does not get hurt (feelings) easily
- materialistic
- strong gut feeling (intuitive)
- risk taker
- weak energy

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

They Did Not Listen

by Cecile Cinco

Being with a keyboard more than a pen for the past several years, letters I receive are electronic. That means less and less handwritten specimen that I receive.

In one of my playtimes, I was chatting (offline) with a friend who is the founder of the Talitha Foundation (which I was heavily involved with at that time) when she was reviewing the biodata of the members. She was updating me on what's happening and asking me what I thought about whatever decision she made.

She showed me the filled-up biodata of the new members filed in a folder. I looked at them, not as she would like me to look at it. Instead, I analyzed the handwriting. I know it's not that accurate as the writer filled up a form but there are portions that the writer did not care about his or her handwriting since it was in the normal form, not printed, not ruled.

As I scanned through the pages, something caught my searching eyes. I told my friend to be careful of that person, a deceiver, a liar. She would not believe me as this person was very kind and helpful. I said it's up to her to believe or not, just don't tell me I did not warn her.

Several months later, about 3 or 4, I just heard that this person scammed another friend of mine in the realty business. This scammer was supposedly a sales manager and my friend (who was also an officer of the Talitha Foundation) was under him. My friend had a buyer and has been paying cash for the downpayment and merely trusting the scammer that the receipt was just tucked in his drawer. Everytime the receipts were asked, he had an alibi why he could not give it that time until the time passed by again for the next payment.

Until he could not be found. He was in hiding. It turned out he was not giving the payment at all to the developer. The worst thing is, my friend was not the only victim.

I warned them. They did not listen.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Anonymous Analysis

by Cecile Cinco

I know I have missed posting for quite a long time in this blog, which is just one out of more than ten blogs I own.

In the hope to enliven it, I'd like to offer you anonymous analysis, of course, free.

What you can do is, send a scanned copy of any specimen you would like to have analyzed. It can be yours or other people's. You don't have to let me know whose it is. Scan it at 300dpi, 100% and include the full page so I can see the margins around. Send it to me at with the subject ANONYMOUS HANDWRITING ANALYSIS so I can easily pick it out from my pile of emails.

What I'll do is post the analysis here, together with the scanned specimen. The analysis will be personal and not programmed, which is the main difference from all others that offer free handwriting analysis.

What are you waiting for?

Check on the ideal handwriting specimen.

I Taught A Live Group For The First Time

by Cecile Cinco

May 11, 2008 was Mothers' Day. It was also a regular Women's Club meeting for UCG-Manila.

It was the first time I taught a live group the concept of handwriting analysis and how to find out certain traits in their own handwriting.

The main purpose was to be more careful and understanding of other people's weaknesses and change own bad traits for the better.

As an example, if you know that a person hurts easily, seeing that in the person's handwriting would refrain you from hurling words that might just be a joke to you, not knowing that it hurts the other person badly.

Of course, the deceitful and liar was not missed. It is always a warning for everybody, whether seen in others' handwriting or his/her own.

It was also a great time for me as I took the first step in teaching a crowd, which I am not good at.