Finding Literary Ability In Your Writing
by Cecile Cinco
The most common avenue of the decade to express yourself in writing is through blogs. There are well written blogs as well as poorly written ones, in terms of literary quality.
Before blogs, the only people who can expose their literary ability are those who can publish their own books. Novels are very much in demand either to feed the reader's fantasies (romance) or intellect (espionage) or enliven their imagination (action, horror, sci-fi).
(DIY, reference, non-fiction books are not necessarily literary written. They are there to instruct based on the author's knowledge of something. They are factual, regardless if it was written by someone who could not even spell write.) :D
Literary ability is seen in story tellers and poets. Story telling/writing is different from poetry writing but they both fall into the art of literary world although a story writer cannot always write a poem, nor the poet can always write a novel. Some people are gifted, though, they can do both.
How can you find literary ability in one's writing?
Take a look at the small g. If it forms a number 8 instead of the usual g taught in school, that's gifted with literary ability.